Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Content Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Content Analysis - Assignment Example 3G helps fulfill the needs of its users to have instant access to corporate networks, e-mail and the internet. 3G also helps use certain personal-use applications ranging from multimedia and e-commerce applications to â€Å"smart† appliances. Evolution of 3G also ensures the development of the envisioned advanced applications in the near future. The article also mentions some perfect advantages of the 3G technology. This technology enables managers’ instant teleconferencing with their colleagues in case they r on drive. This is made as simple by 3G as making a phone call to someone while driving or being busy. Similarly, mobile video on demand is another interesting use of 3G that helps users to watch sports highlights, news and video clips of their choice anytime on their cell phones. Today 3G enabled vehicles are capturing the auto industry. These enable the drives to have access to the traffic view cameras, gaming, internet access, and video-streaming. The second selected article shows the positive aspects of social networking. Reading this particular article will allow you to know and understand the benefits that accrue to the users while using social networking. These benefits are: Social networking provides a cheaper way to advertise as it costs very less to a person in employment of social networking strategies online compared to paying huge amounts for other alternatives. Social networking enables businesses to know what their customers and users like in their products or services and what they do not. Since advertisement is impersonal and this concept does not work so well now, the personal relationship gained through socializing with customer is very much valuable comparing to advertisement. It always creates trust and credibility when you connect with your customers on a personal level. Simply ask for help, offer expertise and services by socializing with customers because you may be deemed spam if you

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